SSR is often the answer to the crossword clue
[Georgia, once: Abbr.] or [Ukr., once: Abbr]
The abbreviation SSR, is a set of [Old map letters] short for “Soviet Socialist Republic.”
As they do with UAE (the United Arab Emirates), with SSR crossword puzzles keep a [Dated map abbr.] in constant circulation–even if it’s an
Abbr. in a geography book that should probably be recycled
Brendan Emmett Quigley – July 14, 2011
As SSR applied to [Any of the Baltic states, once: Abbr.], these [Bloc letters, once] can refer to [One of 15 until 1991: Abbr.], such as
- Georgia, once
- Kazakhstan, once: Abbr.
- Kyrgyzstan, once: Abbr.
- Moldavia, e.g.: Abbr.
- Armenia or Azerbaijan, once (abbr.)
- Ukr. or Lith., once
- Estonia, once: Abbr.
- Belarus, once: Abbr.
- Byelorussia, as a UN member
- Latvia, for one: Abbr.
Georgia, while Carter was pres.
Theresa Schmidt, Wall Street Journal – Feb 8, 2018
Somehow, as far as I can see no one’s gone with a clue like {Old Lett letters}, yet. No doubt, cracking jokes about about a period so full of horrors for so many could be seen as pretty hardhearted. But others would say that puns like [Mold., once], even if they are pretty gross and cold, are pretty harmless, despite the groans they induce.
Est., once
Robert H. Wolfe, New York Times – November 3, 2001